Gimli High School Varsity Girls Volleyball Tournament

Oct 14, 2017
School Year
Contact Name
Chad Heminger
Contact Phone


Pool 1
Arborg AthleticsEbb and Flow ThunderbirdsSt. Jean-Baptiste SaintsFisher Branch CougarsGimli LakersPeguis WolverinesW-LRank
Arborg Athletics25-23, 25-1315-25, 25-2425-6, 25-824-25, 15-2525-25, 24-252-33
Ebb and Flow Thunderbirds23-25, 13-2525-16, 15-2525-22, 25-2419-25, 19-2525-16, 25-242-34
St. Jean-Baptiste Saints25-15, 24-2516-25, 25-1525-12, 25-1721-25, 25-1725-13, 25-145-01
Fisher Branch Cougars6-25, 8-2522-25, 24-2512-25, 17-2523-25, 17-2515-25, 19-250-56
Gimli Lakers25-24, 25-1525-19, 25-1925-21, 17-2525-23, 25-1725-18, 25-174-12
Peguis Wolverines25-25, 25-2416-25, 24-2513-25, 14-2525-15, 25-1918-25, 17-252-35


Date & TimeVisitingHomeResultVenueGenderType
Not SetGimli LakersvsSt. Jean-Baptiste Saints22-25, 24-26V GirlsBracket
Not SetSt. Jean-Baptiste SaintsvsArborg Athletics25-15, 25-24V GirlsBracket
Not SetGimli LakersvsEbb and Flow Thunderbirds26-24, 24-26, 15-11V GirlsBracket
Not SetGimli LakersvsPeguis Wolverines25-18, 25-17V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetFisher Branch CougarsvsPeguis Wolverines15-25, 19-25V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetFisher Branch CougarsvsGimli Lakers23-25, 17-25V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetSt. Jean-Baptiste SaintsvsPeguis Wolverines25-13, 25-14V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetSt. Jean-Baptiste SaintsvsGimli Lakers21-25, 25-17V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetSt. Jean-Baptiste SaintsvsFisher Branch Cougars25-12, 25-17V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetEbb and Flow ThunderbirdsvsPeguis Wolverines25-16, 25-24V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetEbb and Flow ThunderbirdsvsGimli Lakers19-25, 19-25V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetEbb and Flow ThunderbirdsvsFisher Branch Cougars25-22, 25-24V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetEbb and Flow ThunderbirdsvsSt. Jean-Baptiste Saints25-16, 15-25V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetArborg AthleticsvsPeguis Wolverines25-25, 24-25V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetArborg AthleticsvsGimli Lakers24-25, 15-25V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetArborg AthleticsvsFisher Branch Cougars25-6, 25-8V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetArborg AthleticsvsSt. Jean-Baptiste Saints15-25, 25-24V GirlsRound Robin 1
Not SetArborg AthleticsvsEbb and Flow Thunderbirds25-23, 25-13V GirlsRound Robin 1