Manitoba's Credit Unions Scholar Athlete

Kaiden Dyck

Manitoba's Credit Unions Scholar Athlete
Award Date
Jun 19, 2024
Miami School

Kaiden Dyck of Miami School - Kaiden participated in hockey, golf, cross country, volleyball, curling, badminton, and track and field. In 2022 he was named the Miami School JV Male Athlete of the Year and recognized for outstanding contribution in several sports such as golf, cross country, volleyball, badminton, track and field. He is the team captain for the volleyball team, competed in the track and field provincials in 2022/23 and was named the Most Improved Player on his hockey team.

Kaiden maintained an academic average of 98% while engaging in sports, school activities, community programs and assisting with duties at his family’s farm. At school, Kaiden is a member of student council, grad committee, and the drama club. He is very involved in the church where he assists with the tech committee, church events, worship and bible camp.

Kaiden states: “High school sports have been extremely important to me and have benefited me greatly over the years. Sports obviously improve the physical health of those who participate, but they can also improve your mental health. Additionally, the social aspect has made a huge impact in the friendships I have made in high school. First, high school sports have played a huge role in where I am at physically. Participating in sports has kept me in shape, and motivated me to train outside of school to become a better athlete. Being fit and healthy has benefited me in all aspects of life. I am able to have endurance and strength in any situation that I face.

The biggest benefits I have received from participating in high school sports are the mental ones. Participating in sports has made me more motivated and determined. I am able to work hard and accomplish my goals because I have learned to do that through sports. I also find that I am much more focused when I have taken some time to be physically active. Sports are a great way for me to let out my energy and stress so that I can be prepared and focused for the next challenges that await me.”